- Managers know the big picture on the running business unit.
- Managers understand all aspect on business functions across finance, operation, marketing, learning/growth and customer.
- Managers can align with other dept and creating internal value chain
- Managers can improve its department performance by executing project improvement plan
Day 1: Strategic level and Helicopter View
- Results of research on: Why companies can be successful.
- From 7s to BSC.
- The latest research: 7 essentials of high growth companies ( David G. Thomson)
- Results of research on: Why even successful companies could fail.
- From Billion Dollar Lessons to
- How the Mighty Fall ( Jim Collins )
- Differentiate ( Uniqueness ) or Die
- 5Cs : Company – Customers- Competitors – Changes – Collaboration
- Achieving Vision and Mission through Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard
- Business Model – Source of Revenues
- Strategies for riding a tidal wave of business 2011 + Cases
- Results of research on: Why companies can be successful.
Day 2 : Turning Strategy into Execution
- Customer Centric for All Manager
- How customers think
- Indonesian consumer behaviors
- 3 segments
- Strategy for each segment ( Treacy Wieserma )
- Understanding Marketing Metrics
- Internal Process / Operations Management for All Managers
- Process analysis / Process FlowChart
- Measuring Process Performance
- Improving Quality : DMAIC and ServQual
- Supply Chain Strategy
- Leveraging Human Capital for All Managers
- Memotivasi manager non HR untuk turut memikirkan SDM
- Internalizing Corporate Culture in each Business Unit
- Small Project Management in Business Unit for Continuous Improvement
- Project Initiation
- Finding gaps : problem OR opportunity
- Funneling and prioritizing
- General Aims: Project Objective (what will be achieved by when)
- Initial Risk(s)
- Project Deliverables (what will be delivered by when)
- Shareholder analysis
- Success Criteria (what will meet or exceed the expectation of each stakeholder)
- Deliverable / Output:
- Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard
- Pemilihan Marketing Strategy
- 1-page Strategic Planning ( used in Astra and Triputra )
- Motivating employees with NON-MONETARY approach
- Small Project (Revenue Improvement OR Cost Reduction )
Daniel Saputro, MM., MBA.
Daniel Saputro dan tim BusinessBuddy Int memiliki pengalaman 21 tahun dalam perbaikan kinerja perusahaan. Kami aktif memberikan pembekalan maupun konsultasi terutama di bidang transformasi dan manajemen perubahan di 4 area yakni: Business Model (termasuk Balanced Scorecard dan Strategy Map) – People Development – Process – Culture Internalization, yang mengarah ke Auto Pilot System.
Nuqul Group (Yordania) dan Banpu (Thailand) adalah contoh perusahaan internasional yang telah menggunakan jasa konsultasinya. Di dalam negeri, Daniel menjadi konsultan bagi banyak perusahaan maupun institusi pemerintah. Di antaranya Jamsostek, Bea Cukai, Sekretariat DPR, Jasa Sarana BUMD Jabara, BioFarma Bandung, Kementerian Keuangan PUSINTEK, Pertamina, LPP BUMN di Jogja dan BTN.
Perusahaan swasta nasional sering menunjuk Daniel sebagai konsultan. Sebut saja Indocement, Triputra, Bosowa (Makasar), Tunas Ridean Group, MusimMas (Medan), Capella (Medan), CPSSoft, ILP, Darya Varia, KPUC (Samarinda), Medifarma, Prafa. Indospring (Surabaya) dan Acer (Jakarta) , Infomedia dan Sentul City. Beliau juga aktif memberikan pelatihan di Chevron, Astra, Commonwealth Bank, TOTAL EP, Holcim dan banyak lainnya
Di sisi lain, Daniel Saputro juga memiliki minat yang besar terhadap dunia pendidikan. Karena itu, kini, dia aktif menjadi fasilitator MiniMBA serta pengajar mata kuliah bisnis dan pemasaran di program S2. Daniel juga menggunakan tulisan sebagai sarana untuk membagikan ilmunya. Ia menjadi kontributor untuk Tabloid KONTAN, Swa, dan Jakarta Post.
Untuk Family Business, kami membantu suksesi dan transformasi menuju perusahaan yang lebih professional. Dengan cara membentuk Leadership yang profesional dan menggunakan KPI berbasis balanced Scorecard.