Proses rekruitmen yang baik akan menyebabkan organisasi memiliki talent-talent yang tepat, tetapi bagaimana mengoptimalkan kinerja memerlukan suatu sistem Manajemen Kinerja (Performance Management System) yang dikelola dengan baik.
Pada akhir program, diharapkan peserta dapat memahami dengan lebih baik mengenai PMS dan bagaimana mengaitkannya dengan rencana strategis Perusahaan. Partisipan juga diharapkan lebih mampu dalam mengembangkan Perencanaan Kinerja, men-set Sasaran Kerja, mengorganisasikan Performance Coaching, Performance Appraisals serta merumuskan Performance Reward: bonus dan reward lainnya secara optimal.
Outline Materi
- Linking the business to the performance management system
- Performance Planning
- Cascading down process
- Performance contract and setting objectives
- Performance Coaching
- Motivation theories in the work place
- GROW model
- The impact of people management assumptions and preferences on performance.
- Competency based performance development and enhancement program
- Using effective feedback in coaching performance.
- Performance Review
- Communicating and analyzing results of the performance review.
- A proper communication process in Performance Review
- Appraisal simulation
- Performance Reward
- Creating innovative rewards to recognize high performance
- Jointly raising the bar for the next round of performance standards.
Presentasi, studi kasus, individual consultation dan sharing pengalaman.
Human Resource and Lines – Operational Staff/Supervisors/Managers.