Online Training : CISA Exam Guide tujuannya adalah agar peserta memahami persyaratan ujian CISA dan memahami pengetahuan dan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan untuk persiapan ujian CISA.
Training persiapan ujian sertifikasi CISA. Sertifikasi CISA adalah sertifikasi internasional yang dikeluarkan ISACA sebagai pengakuan terhadap kompetensi IT Auditor .
Durasi : 5 Hari
Outline Materi :
- Information System Auditing Process
1.1. IS Audit Standards, Guidelines and Codes of Ethics
1.2. Business Processes
1.3. Types of Controls
1.4. Risk-based Audit Planning
1.5. Types of Audits and Assessments
1.6. Audit Project Management
1.7. Sampling Methodology
1.8. Audit Evidence Collection Techniques
1.9. Data Analytics
1.10. Reporting and Communication Techniques
1.11. Quality Assurance and Improvement of the Audit Process - Governance and Management of IT
2.1. IT Governance and IT Strategy
2.2. IT-related Frameworks
2.3. IT Standards, Policies, and Procedures
2.4. Organizational Structure
2.5. Enterprise Architecture
2.6. Enterprise Risk Management
2.7. Maturity Models
2.8. Laws, Regulations and Industry Standards Affecting the Organization
2.9. IT Resource Management
2.10. IT Service Provider Acquisition and Management
2.11. IT Performance Monitoring and Reporting
2.12. Quality Assurance and Quality Management of IT - Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Implementation
3.1. Project Governance and Management
3.2. Business Case and Feasibility Analysis
3.3. System Development Methodologies
3.4. Control Identification and Design
3.5. Testing Methodologies
3.6. Configuration and Release Management
3.7. System Migration, Infrastructure Deployment and Data Conversion
3.8. Post-implementation Review - Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience
4.1. Common Technology Components
4.2. IT Asset Management
4.3. Job Scheduling and Production Process Automation
4.4. System Interfaces
4.5. End-User Computing
4.6. Data Governance
4.7. Systems Performance Management
4.8. Problem and Incident Management
4.9. Change, Configuration, Release, and Patch Management
4.10. IT Service Level Management
4.11. Database Management
4.12. Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
4.13. System Resiliency
4.14. Data Backup, Storage, and Restoration
4.15. Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
4.16. Disaster Recovery Plans (DRPs) - Protection of Information Assets
5.1. Information Asset Security Frameworks, Standards, and Guidelines
5.2. Privacy Principles
5.3. Physical Access and Environmental Controls
5.4. Identity and Access Management
5.5. Network and End-point Security
5.6. Data Classification
5.7. Data Encryption and Encryption-related Techniques
5.8. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
5.9. Web-based Communication Technologies
5.10. Virtualized Environments
5.11. Mobile, Wireless, and Internet-of-Things (IOT) Devices
5.12. Security Awareness Training and Programs
5.13. Information System Attack Methods and Techniques
5.14. Security Testing Tools and Techniques
5.15. Security Monitoring Tools and Techniques
5.16. Incident Response Management
5.17. Evidence Collection and Forensics
Aresto Yudo Sujono, CISA, CGEIT
Aresto Yudo Sujono, Menyelesaikan S1 Ilmu Komputer di Universitas Indonesia dan MSc IT Management di Carnegie Mellon University. Memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun dalam bidang Tata Kelola TI seperti IT Audit, IT Risk Management dan IT Strategic Planning melalui penugasan di berbagai industri termasuk telekomunikasi, keuangan dan logistik. Telah tersertifikasi CISA dan CGEIT